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Traditional Cupping Therapy

Traditional cupping use has been multi-cultural, with clear records from early Egypt, China and Greece. This spread through Africa and the eastern European cultures, and was also used by the natives of America.

What is the difference between current vacuum therapies and traditional Chinese cupping? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, stationary cups are placed on the skin and left for a period of five to fifteen minutes, and the cups may also be moved over the area to raise “sha”. The goal of Chinese cupping therapy is to move stagnation of blood and chi, disperse internal heat, and other applications based on Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostics. Traditional cupping therapies are also generally used in many cultures on adults and children for respiratory conditions, pain relief, and multiple other uses in home health care.

Massage Cupping

This creates space and separation in the tissues that allows the therapist to work more effectively on the client. Massage Cupping is a specific set of movements that the trained practitioner uses in different combinations to quickly facilitate elimination of debris and release of rigid soft tissues.

Massage Cupping therapy is a more commonly used tool for massage therapists and other healthcare practitioners. The movements are specific to bodywork and stay within the boundaries of professional licensing. Before applying the cup, the therapist will administer oil or lotion to facilitate smooth movement, since the cup is kept active and is not left stationary on the client’s body. The entire back may be treated, including the neck, shoulders, middle and lower back, and sacral area. The hip and thigh areas may also be treated. Almost every area of the body responds to this unique treatment.

The Method:

To create suction on the body surface, the therapist utilizes glass, plastic or soft silicone cups. These cups are moved over the skin using gliding, shaking, popping and rotating techniques while gently pulling up on the cup, or may be parked for a short time to facilitate joint mobilization or soft tissue release. This suction reaches deep into the soft tissue, attachments and organs. Another benefit is to pull toxins and inflammation from the body to the surface of the skin where the lymphatic system can more readily eliminate them.

Cupping for Cellulite

Another effective application of cupping is in the treatment of cellulite. A very light suction provides drainage, while heavier application can be used to stimulate circulation and loosen adhesions or “dimpling.” Treatments using a vacuum also include a revolutionary face lifting and drainage treatment. Cupping is showing great results in the treatment of injury sites, neuropathy and pain.

Physiological Effects:

  • Decrease or relieve pain and inflammation

  • Release deep muscular issues

  • Release and soften scar tissue

  • Lift and stretch soft tissue

  • Increased range of movement

  • Open chest and lungs

  • Improve circulation

  • Drain lymph fluid, clear drainage pathways

  • Sedate the nervous system

  • Open energy flow of the body

  • Dredging and clearing old residue (blood and solidified lymph from injuries, surgeries, and chronic movement patterns) out of the muscle and soft tissue -- "milking the tissue."

Conditions that may improve:

To promote health and healing by loosening soft tissue and connective tissue, scarring and adhesions, moving stagnation and increasing lymphatic flow and circulation.

Conditions that respond to cupping include:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Bursitis, Tendonitis and other inflammatory conditions

  • Sluggish colon, IBS

  • Stagnant lymph and edema

  • Poor circulation

  • Sciatica

  • Insomnia and anxiety

  • Poorly nourished skin and muscle tissue

  • Lung inflammation and congestion

  • Cellulite

  • Toxicity

  • Migraine and headaches

  • High blood pressure

  • Asthma and pneumonia

  • Neuralgia and rheumatism

  • Pre- and post-operative conditions

  • TMJ dysfunction

  • Diabetes

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Chronic pain

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Athletic stress and injury

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